Thursday, January 28, 2010

Spray Paint Magic Part III

In addition to painting glass vessels, I've also discovered the utility of spray paint and picture frames. Combined with a few dots of puff paint (yes, Mama, PUFF PAINT-- that stuff that filled up your downstairs cabinet for years), and you've got yourself something that I think looks pretty fancy. I know I've said it a million times, but I think glossy black spray paint makes things look so much cooler than they actually are. You shall see.

First, I gathered up supplies from a few of my favorite places-- Goodwill and Target. I was looking for preferably wooden frames that either were interesting enough that I could just paint, or plain enough that I could adorn with puff paint and spray paint. Let's start with the puffers: this was a clearance frame ($1.99) from Target:

I added some dots of puff paint around the frame-- nothing too fancy.  Then, once that had dried completely, I spray painted it a glossy black:

I suspect I may be biased, but I think that's pretty! I frame on the left is from Goodwill; rather than fuss up the frame anymore, I just sprayed it a glossy black. It was pretty trashy looking before, but now I think it looks modern... and maybe just a little well-loved. Here are some more pictures of the frames project:

The bottom photo is of a refurbished goodwill frame. But in it is a silkscreened print of my family's little wooden sailboat, Spindrift, on it's mooring in Smith's Cove, in Maine. Smith's Cove's beauty is rivaled only by Spindrift's, and I made this print for my dad for Christmas. I love how it turned out!

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